Girls Band Cry Wiki

"VOID" Insert Song / Episode 1 Ending Theme[]

"VOID" (JP: "空の箱", Rom: "Kara no Hako") by TOGENASHI TOGEARI serves as an insert song in the anime series. It was first used in Episode One of the series as the ending theme. In Episode 5 it is sung by Diamond Dust.

  • Programming & All Instruments:Kengo Minamida (agehasprings Party)
  • Recorded by Masaki Mori (agehasprings)
  • Mixed by Kenichi ”NK-1” Nakamura
  • Recorded at Studio Device
  • Mixed at prime sound studio form
  • Directed & Organized by Koki Magatani (agehasprings)
  • Mastered by Yuji Chinone (Sony Music Studios Tokyo)


VOID / 空の箱 Lyrics - TV (Episode 1) Version
Original Lyrics Romanised Lyrics English Translation
やけに白いんだ やたら長いんだ

コタエはだいたいカタチばかりの常識だろう 指先が震えようとも

Yakeni shiroi nda yatara nagai nda

Kotae wa daitai katachi bakari no jōshikidarou Yubisaki ga furueyoutomo

It's so blank, it's so long

The answers tend to be superficial clichés


ぶつかっているのですが 何を頼りに進めばいいのでしょうか

Chizu ni wa nai hazu no sansaro ni ima

Butsukatte iru nodesuga Nani o tayori ni susumeba ī nodeshou ka

Whether my fingers tremble or not

I'm currently at a crossroads You won't find on any map

What should I use to guide me?


難しい言葉だらけ 今日(こんにち)あの頃から少しも変わらない

Kyōkasho-dōri to wa yoku itta monode

Muzukashī kotoba-darake Kyō (Kon ni chi) anogoro kara sukoshi mo kawaranai

People often say to follow the book

So many words I don't understand

Today is no different than that day


いつの日か あなたならどうやって先へと進みますか

Kono kūran o uzumereba tokemasu ka

Itsunohika anatanara dō yatte saki e to susumimasu ka

Today is no different than that day

Will filling in this blank Solve everything someday?

How would you move forward?

やけに白いんだ やたら長いんだ

コタエはだいたいカタチばかりの常識だろう 指先が震えようとも 正解は無いんだ 負けなんて無いんだ あたしは生涯 あたしであってそれだけだろう これ以上かき乱しても明日はない

Yakeni shiroi nda yatara nagai nda

Kotae wa daitai katachi bakari no jōshikidarou Yubisaki ga furueyoutomo Seikai wa nai nda make nante nai nda Atashi wa shōgai atashideatte sore dakedarou Koreijō kakimidashite mo ashita wanai

It's so blank, it's so long. The answers tend to be superficial clichés. Whether my fingers tremble or not

There's no right answer, there's no losing. I've been me all my life That's all there is. No matter how much I fight There's no tomorrow

どう足掻いても明日はない Dō agaitemo ashita wanai No matter how much I resist There's no tomorrow

Official lyrics and translation from this video
