Girls Band Cry Wiki

Rupa (ルパ) is one of the main characters in Girls Band Cry. She is the bassist of Togenashi Togeari.


Rupa is a girl born to a South Asian father and a Japanese mother. She exudes artistic sensibility and possesses sharp intellect. Considered a genius due to her calm way of speaking and modest attitude, she earns the respect of others. However, her flaw lies in being a heavy drinker and having an excessively strong character. In episode 7 it is revealed to us that her family died in a car accident.

She shares an apartment with Tomo Ebizuka.


Favorite Food[]

  • Parfait
  • Pudding à la mode
  • Hamburger


  • Drinking at night time
  • Reading


Rupa is of average height for a woman of her age. She has short, neck-length gray olive hair, with a distinct parting of her long fringe on the left side. Hailing from South Asia, Rupa carries a subtle, sun-kissed tan that complements her heathered grey eyes and overall captivating presence.


